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Experience the Power of Polyvagal Informed Coaching

with Kathy Tufto


Meet Kathy

Polyvagal-Informed  Health Coach

As a Polyvagal Informed Health Coach, my mission is to help high functioning individuals find more joy and avoid burnout.  I believe in a holistic approach to health that looks beyond merely treating symptoms. ​ When your body is under stress, it is not optimally digesting, detoxing, fighting disease, resting and more.  When you stay in a stress state for too long, it is easy to feel burned out.

Polyvagal Theory emphasizes the role the autonomic nervous system plays in regulating our health and behaviour.  At any point in time, a person can feel safe and social (parasympathetic), mobilized, immobilized or a blend of those states.   It's much easier to make changes when you anchored in the parasympathetic state.  

 My approach combines training and coaching for behavioral change. This two-fold strategy ensures that you not only develop new habits but also gain the knowledge and awareness needed to sustain and deepen your journey toward optimal health.​ Embark on this transformative experience with me, where coaching and training come together to pave the way for lasting well-being.

What I Specialize In

Individual and Group Coaching


Goal Setting

 Mind-Body Connection

Increasing Self Awareness

Join me at Yoga Journal’s #1 yoga festival you need to know about! I’m excited to be presenting at the Bend Yoga Festival, June 6-9, 2024, in beautiful Bend, Oregon. Join this epic deep dive into healing and play with bhakti, yoga philosophy, yoga practices, Inside Flow, restorative, vinyasa, acroyoga, nervous system regulation, polyvagal theory, lymphatics & yoga, advanced asana, ashtanga, breathwork & pranayama, posture labs, hiking, paddleboarding, forest bathing, and much more. YOU are welcome here.  

Enter the code "KATHY" for 15% off registration

"Kathy is a creative & deeply caring health coach. She listened carefully to my needs & health issues & worked with me to move forward on my healing journey. She has a wealth of healing tools & techniques she draws from to assist & support her clients. Kathy helped me calm my overanxious mind & body & guide me back to remembering what brings me into a calmer state of being. Kathy has a healing personality & I consider her a gifted guide on my healing journey. She has had her own healing journey so she is committed to supporting others & definitely understands health issues & guiding people forward. 


Hammock in Nature

“Kathy is an amazing coach! She is knowledgable, supportive, and observant. Her teachings on Polyvagal Theory helped to increase my awareness of my stress levels while her coaching allowed me to work through better ways to manage my stress, I now feel more in control over my emotions and worry less when stress is on the rise”


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