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Kathy's Health Journey 

Polyvagal Informed Health Coach 

In the not-so-distant past, I completely burned-out. I faced a myriad of health challenges, battling chronic fatigue, focus issues, a cascade of stress-triggered health issues and mold illness. The fear of exposure to mold made entering any new  space an anxiety-inducing ordeal.  I also had a hard time turning off. I spent most of my time in a mobilized state and then by the end of the day I was exhausted and I would crash, sitting in front of the tv, immobilized until bed time. 


Navigating through my health journey, I discovered that my body was stuck in fight/flight/freeze mode, hindering hormone production, normal detoxification, and proper digestion. Despite investing over $1000 a month in supplements and IV treatments, my body struggled to absorb the nutrients effectively. Collaborating with dedicated integrative health practitioners, we addressed infections, leaky gut, and various health issues. However, these challenges persisted because my nervous system remained out of balance.


Fast forward to today—I wake up energized, focused, and joyful.  I have a community of people that I feel deeply connected to. My health issues are either entirely gone or in remission, and I can confidently step into any environment without the fear of mold exposure.


So, how did I achieve this transformation?


Over the past few years, I delved into the profound mind-body connection. Working with a coach, I crafted my own vision of health and happiness. Simultaneously, I learned to reprogram my nervous system, spending the majority of my time anchored in a parasympathetic state—feeling safe and socially connected. This shift allowed my body to optimally rest, digest, detox, and heal. 


In tandem, I continued collaborating with an exceptional team of naturopaths and doctors to address lingering infections, detoxify my body, and heal my gut. Now, routine check-ups with a doctor suffice, occurring once or twice a year.


As I visualized my ideal life, I realized my career as a Technical Product Manager didn't align with my vision. I aspired to guide others to avoid total burnout, drawing from my own transformative journey. So, I committed to learning and growing. With decades of experience in training, defining, launching, and marketing software products, I delved into the realm of coaching, polyvagal theory, and mindfulness. Although mentoring was familiar, coaching brought a new dimension. 


I completed Health Coaching certification programs, a Polyvagal Informed Coaching program from the Polyvagal Institute, and continued expanding my knowledge of brain rewiring techniques and polyvagal theory. Deepening my yoga practice and immersing myself in mindfulness techniques further enriched my approach to holistic well-being.


Today, I am passionate about sharing the insights and strategies that transformed my life. As a Health Coach, I am dedicated to helping others make changes to overcome stress-triggered health challenges, guiding them toward a balanced and vibrant life.

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